Wednesday, December 26, 2007

MP Video - Who's On First?

Besides The Three Stooges, there are some other comedians from the old days who could actually play with words and be hilarious about it. Abbott and Costello had numerous word-plays in their acts that became so unforgettable. One of them was that number when they had misunderstanding between twenty-too and twenty-two. But It has been said a lot that the all timer one is that called "Who's On First". And I can't agree more.

I had it recorded on a cassette awhile ago and I played it so many times in my car until it's stuck in my memory. I lost the video of it recorded from TV when I was still abroad, but I was so lucky to find that particular segment in a their movie called Naughty Nineties I rented from a laser disc rental place nearby Pasar Rumput. And I was even luckier to find this clip in the internet. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

MP Video - The Tonight Show

This show lasted 30 years with Johnny Carson. It's true that he had over 20,000 celebrities as guests but he was a great comedian on the first place. Not only he always made great and funny comments about what went on the world in his monologue, the show also had segments which showed how talented and smart he was. Of course, he was backed up by a brilliant writing team as well. I never got tired of watching it whenever I had time (and a TV set available) during my college years.
I hope someday our own talk show hosts will be like him so their show will last long enough.
This piece shows why Johnny Carson will always be the master.

Monday, December 17, 2007

All I Ask of You

A friend once urged me to see Phantom Of The Opera. I wasn't interested in it since I had never been to opera before. But she gave a very high recommendation of it and since she kept saying that even guys like me would like it (and that she would take me to it), I finally went to the show. She was right. I did love it so much. I had always thought operas were boring that I would've fallen asleep watching it. I was wrong. I even went again for the second time just to make sure if I  had missed anything on the first time. This song was probably the best tune from it. 


No more talk of darkness,
Forget these wide-eyed fears
I'm here, nothing can harm you
my words will warm and calm you
Let me be your freedom,
let daylight dry your tears.
I'm here with you, beside you,
to guard you and to guide you...

Say you love me every waking moment,
turn my head with talk of summertime...
Say you need me with you now and always...
Promise me that all you say is true
that's all I ask of you

Let me be your shelter
let me be your light
You're safe, No one will find you
your fears are far behind you...

All I want is freedom,
a world with no more night
and you, always beside me, to hold me and to hide me...

Then say you'll share with me
one love, one lifetime
let me lead you from your solitude
Say you need me with you here, beside you...
anywhere you go, let me go too
Christine, that's all I ask of you...

Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime...
say the word and I will follow you...
Share each day with me,
each night, each morning...
Say you love me...

You know I do...

Love me - that's all I ask of you
Anywhere you go let me go too
Love me - that's all I ask of you...

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

MP Photo - Tilt It!!

Different nations...different styles...different guts!!





Hong Kong




Thursday, November 22, 2007

MP Photo - Women vs Men

do you know why there are more women than men?

It's because....

Friday, November 9, 2007

MP Blog - Dua Melati Suci

Re-make lagu lama bukanlah hal yg asing lagi. Kiatnya biar nggak susah ngetopnya kerana lagu yang lama sudah pernah ngetop. Tapi sayangnya banyak lagu daur ulang yang (menurut saya) nggak sebagus aslinya, meskipun sdh lbh kaya aransemennya. 

Melati Suci mungkin bs jd salah satu contoh daur ulang yang sukses meskipun dgn aransemen yg sama garapan Chandra Darusman. Mungkin saja Guruh SP hanya sekedar menampilkan lagi lagu ini dengan vocal Vina Panduwinata yg saat itu tengah naik daun. Yang jelas memang banyak org yg lebih kenal lagu ini dengan versi Vina ketimbang versi penyanyi pendahulunya, Tika Bisono. Bagi saya, tetep lebih nendang yang versi Tika. Vocal lembutnya Tika lebih pas untuk lagu selembut Melati Suci. Tapi ini khan hanya sekedar pendapat pribadi....

(thanks to bung Kus & bung Made)

Monday, October 15, 2007

MP Blog - Jakarta...H minus 1

Spt yg diharapkan tiap taun, pada H minus 1 traffic di Jakarta ga serame & sepadet biasanya. Memang krasa sech, agak longgar di sana sini (kecuali nyeng deket** mall ato pasar). Paling ga, nyeng namanya penambahan jalur busway ga bs dipake buat alasan macet lagi. Pengendara motor jg ga sebanyak biasanya. Lumayan lah....

Yang ga disangka justru banyaknya pengendara lelet yang kayaknya jarang nyetir, yang mgkn biasanya naik motor ato kendaraan umum. Seolah** mereka memang sengaja turun ke jalan, mgkn malah cari pinjaman/sewaan mobil khusus buat hari itu mumpung Jakarta bakal agak sepi krn banyak org pulang kampung. Alhasil...macet sich ga, tapi banyak leletnya aja traffic Jkt. Misalnya ga lgsg jalan pas dpt lampu hijau, parkir mobilnya lama, beloknya ga pake lampu sen, pindah jalurnya nunggu sampe sepi dsb. Mungkin itulah cobaan terberat di hari terakhir puasa....nahan sabar atas keleletan kaum ini.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

MP Video - Dolores in a Shoestand

A blog belongs to a friend of mine who happens to be a great Jazz freak took my attention awhile ago. It was about this group from Sweden called Esjborn Svensen Trio, famously known as e.s.t, who was scheduled to come and play in Jakarta. He gives such an incredible compliment to the group that really tempted me to check out the show. 

And I really had a joyful evening for they performed really good. Not only that the show was awesome, the company I had was just perfect. It was absolutely a true-friends-night-out. This number is one of my favorites. 

Thank you Chico for sharing your passions in great music.

Monday, August 13, 2007

MP Blog - Sang Saka

The Independence Day is around the corner. Yes, you can feel it by observing how people have been putting up the National Flags everywhere....though it's still days away.... Once upon a time, there was a president who suggested to raise the flag (and I'm not talking about banners or such decorations made out of papers) even a week prior to the D-day. This (knowing how smart our people are) may be interpreted as it could be up in the sky for a week with no rest at all....24/7. I don't remember which president it was, but I know for sure it happened after the president Soeharto's era. Things I never forget are that during the President Soeharto's era the Flag was not to be raised unless it was on the National days except at schools and government offices. That it was only to be raised from dawn til dusk. That it wasn't to be raised during night times. That it wasn't to touch the ground at all times. That it wasn't to be used on other purposes (such as decoration in demonstrations). And that it was to be raised half a pole on the day one who was considered a National hero passed away. Seems like the great Red and White Flag has been more appreciated and respected during the president Soeharto's era. Seems like our patriotism has worn out along with the smeared colors of our flag.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

MP Video - Rocker Takot Aer

Soara bole nge(ba)bass. Rambot bole panjang. Tampang bole sangar. Akse panggong bole metal. Geleran aer datang, bobar dagangan!!  

courtesy of BEP

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

MP Video - É

Lee Ritenour has been my idol ever since my lil' brother introduced me to his music. I'v been to his concerts more than 20 times I'm sure. É (Portuguese, 
means It Is) is one of his best collaboration works. This time he collaborates w/ a great Brazilian artist Gonzaguinha. I really love this number, n luckily I had a friend in college who came from Portugal. So I had him wrote down its words. But, I haven't been lucky enough to find anyone who would perform it w/ my band. Nevertheless, Lee Ritenour é um músico grande.

A gente quer valer o nosso amor
A gente quer valer nosso suor
A gente quer valer o nosso humor
A gente quer do bom e do melhor...

A gente quer carinho e atenção
A gente quer calor no coração
A gente quer suar, mas de prazer
A gente quer é ter muita saúde
A gente quer viver a liberdade
A gente quer viver felicidade...

A gente não tem cara de panaca
A gente não tem jeito de babaca
A gente não está
Com a bunda exposta na janela
Prá passar a mão nela...

A gente quer viver pleno direito
A gente quer viver todo respeito
A gente quer viver uma nação
A gente quer é ser um cidadão
A gente quer viver uma nação...

É! É! É! É! É! É! É!...

A gente quer valer o nosso amor
A gente quer valer nosso suor
A gente quer valer o nosso humor
A gente quer do bom e do melhor...

A gente quer carinho e atenção
A gente quer calor no coração
A gente quer suar, mas de prazer
A gente quer é ter muita saúde
A gente quer viver a liberdade
A gente quer viver felicidade...

A gente não tem cara de panaca
A gente não tem jeito de babaca
A gente não está
Com a bunda exposta na janela
Prá passar a mão nela...

A gente quer viver pleno direito
A gente quer viver todo respeito
A gente quer viver uma nação
A gente quer é ser um cidadão
A gente quer viver uma nação
A gente quer é ser um cidadão
A gente quer viver uma nação
A gente quer é ser um cidadão