Friday, November 18, 2011

MP Blog - Peringatan

Yang namanya apes tentunya bisa dialami siapa saja. Orang terhebat atau terkaya di dunia saja bisa apes, apalagi saya yang org kecil. Jadi kalau lagi apes, saya mencoba untuk tidak mengeluh. Paling hanya bisa menghela nafas panjang, bersabar sambil berharap apesnya tidak berkepanjangan dan segera diimbangi dengan keberuntungan. Pemikiran saya, apapun yang saya alami itu berkah dari Yang Kuasa. Hanya saja bentuknya bisa bermacam-macam. Termasuk soal usaha saya yang tiba-tiba harus terhenti karena unsur ketidak cocokan dengan mitra kerja, kecelakaan motor yang mengakibatkan kaki saya patah 3 tahun yang lalu, dan sakit lambung yg membuat saya sempat dirawat di rumah sakit selama semalam. Semua telah memberi pelajaran yang berharga bagi saya dalam melanjutkan hidup saya.

Nah, seminggu lalu saya diberitau seorang kerabat bahwa tiga kejadian itu terdeteksi sebagai bagian dari ulah pihak-pihak tertentu, yang bisa jadi tidak menyukai saya. Kerabat saya ini memang konon punya keahlian khusus dalam "membaca" apa yang tidak terbaca mata awam, namun sejauh ini ia tidak pernah memberitau saya siapa yang berulah begitu karena saya memang merasa tidak perlu tau. Saya justru khawatir atas sikap yang akan saya ambil jika saya mengetauinya.

Sempat juga saya mencoba memikirkan siapa yang kira-kira bermaksud buruk pada saya, tapi saya tidak menemukan jawabannya. Saya bukanlah orang yang berkuasa besar, berharta banyak ataupun tukang serobot hak orang lain. Lalu apa yang dicari dari saya ya? Ah, saya tidak mau ambil pusing dengan ulah pihak-pihak yang bertanggung jawab (kalau memang ada) karena akhirnya semua saya serahkan kembali kepada Yang Kuasa. Saya hanya merasa bahwa saya harus membenahi diri. Mungkin saja saya perlu lebih mempertebal iman saya sambil lebih menjaga sikap dan ucapan saya pada siapapun.

Ruined Morning

I have been driving my car and riding my motorbike pretty safety I may say. Of course once awhile, I can't fight my ego to go faster than I should or even stupidly break some traffic rules, but I do it extra carefully. I wouldn't be pissed off if I get an accident then since it would surely because of my stupidity. I would take that consequence sincerely. 

But today, it only took me about 3 years to get another accident caused by somebody else's lack of skill in dodging his bike through traffic. Not only he split and got away easily, it also happened when I was in my calm and patient stage of enjoying the morning jam. Luckily, the damage was minor but on the same leg? Aaargh...I'm still so pissed!

What a way to start the day....

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Challenge Of Life

I don't know how to think anymore toward all these cases I've been through in the last couple of years. I didn't wanna be superstitious about them to begin with, and I always try to think of them in as realistic ways as possible. After all, I used to live in societies who don't believe in supernaturals. But when the unthinkable occurs and I don't find any logical explanation for it, I would likely accept whatever is presented to me..even when it sounds mystical.

Let's just say that I believe I was attacked, in some mystical ways by those who hate me or people close to me. Then the questions would be, what good is it for them? Would they get happy and laugh, or celebrate their achievements? I wonder if they get some kinda satisfaction when I get unfortunate or suffer some strange illness. I'm sure one thing that they won't get is my wealth since I don't have much to be taken away nor I have a throne to seize.

I look back at all the things I've done in life. I try to figure out people who would possibly like to harm me because of what I've done in the past, the bad or even the good things. Whether they do it based on revenge or simply jealousy. I can come up with a name or two who got disappointed at me, but I can't see why they would go so low to attack me in such extraordinary ways when I don't think that I hurt them that much. Is this what I deserve to get from what I've done to them? Or perhaps, they mean harm to those who are close to me but I just happen to be the easy target? Or do they do it just to make a point on something that I have no clue of?

This is endless...for I believe they could be anyone at all. They could be people I'm not familiar with, or those who I know very well. They could even be people who are considered close to me for I have experienced getting stabbed in the back by close friends before. I'm sick of it but there's nothing I can do about it. It may remain a mystery to me and never stop until they get exactly what they expect from me. I don't wanna let it get to me because I'm tired of worrying. This is a challenge of life that I have to take while I can learn good lessons from it. Life goes on and I'm living it one day at a time....

Monday, November 7, 2011

MP Blog - Solusi

Saat itu lalu lintas di depan pasar Cipulir memang tengah padat hingga para pengendara sepeda motorpun harus mengantri tanpa kuasa meliuk-liukan motornya melalui celah-celah yang sempit di antara kendaraan beroda empat.
Saya sempat heran memperhatikan seorang pengemudi bis metro mini yang membiarkan pintu di sisinya terbuka sambil merayapkan kendaraannya dalam kemacetan. Semula saya pikir ia merasa begitu panas dan berusaha mendapatkan lebih banyak udara berpolusi, namun stlh bergerak maju beberapa meter saya mendapatkan jawabannya....

...rupanya ia kebelet ingin buang air kecil