Thursday, February 23, 2012

A Message in Dreams

I had another dream about seeing my mom. This was for the second time this year. Some of my siblings consider me to be fortunate since it’s easy for them to see our folks in dreams. I actually had had numbers of dreams like it ever since she passed away over 7 years ago. Usually, it was times when I missed her a lot that I kept thinking of her. The same thing with dreaming of seeing my dad. So I didn’t really try to find out what those dreams might mean.

But in these last couple of dreams, the situations were more serious in where my mom had more meaningful role.
In the first one, the scene was the inside of an apartment, which I don’t know whom it belonged to, with a few other people in it. A huge and luxurious apartment, a kind like a Roman style five-star hotel room. I remember it so well because at one time when I knew she was looking for me, I sneaked out to the balcony only so she would find me there instead of in the room with other people around. The marble-covered floor balcony was wide and it was decorated by a couple of big vases with plants in them and a pair of those fancy baroque-style armchairs complete with their matching coffee table in between. And soon as had my mom found me there, we took the seat and we started talking. She asked me how my life was so I told her about it but only the general ideas, knowing that she would need no details to figure out exactly what went on. Her response may seem pretty standard as a mother would advise her son that I needed to take care of the current situation first before getting into a new one. But this kind of advice doesn’t come up as clearly in dreams as it was in this one. Somehow, I knew her message was for me to end in subtle ways everything that actually had been holding me back from getting to next phases.

In the one I had last week, she was not the lead but she sure had a big role. She happened to be there when I had a case with my sister. It was not an argument or a debate, but it was a kind of tensed situation where I got curious over a short statement my sister had made that I should be counted out in the future matters that were supposed to involve the rest of my siblings. I could sort of assume of what she meant by it but I tried not to jump into false conclusion for I could anyway be wrong, so I was trying to dig into it. Unfortunately, instead of explained what she meant, she cried on my mother’s lap. That was when my mother then asked me what went on between us. I don’t remember at all what happened after it that I begin to believe the dream did not continue even though I did not wake up then. It may have simply stopped like a movie which shows erased part somewhere from the middle to the end and it’s not because the player suddenly stops.

These latest two dreams get me thinking hard of what I need to do in real life. My mother did not say much but I got an important message from her, especially when I could read her from the way she looked at me when she talked to me. There were conditions I was facing that would she sure did not expected to happen, but she didn’t show any sign of blaming me for them that she felt the need to get upset with me. She didn’t seem to consider the conditions as fatal that to her, I only needed to finish them the right way so I can gallantly move ahead. It may not be easy of course and I don’t know exactly how to do it yet, but I’m hoping that these kind of dream would help me release the burdens on my shoulder while give me some ideas how to get solutions to my problems. I really do hope so…..


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

MP Photo - Karya Jenius Liu Bolin

Foto-foto ini menunjukkan seorang pria yang terampil dalam melukis dirinya sendiri sehingga ia keliatan begitu mirip dengan lingkungan di sekitarnya dan ia tampak hampir tak terlihat. Sekilas, foto-foto yang mengagumkan ini seolah merupakan hasil rekayasa digital. Dan memang banyak orang yang mengaku sebagai pakar digital telah memvonis foto-foto tersebut sebagai hasil "manipulasi photoshop".

Namun, foto-foto tersebut sebenarnya memang asli yang menggambarkan karya seniman jenius asal dari Cina, Liu Bolin. Seniman asal Beijing ini telah menampilkan hasil-hasil karyanya di pelbagai negara di dunia dengan mengadakan eksibis di Cina, Paris, Amerika Serikat dan tempat lain. Ia adalah seorang perfeksionis yang dapat menghabiskan waktu hingga sepuluh jam dalam menyiapkan dirinya untuk sesi pemotretan atas dirinya.

Liu Bolin biasanya memerlukan beberapa asisten yang membantu untuk melukis dirinya dalam persiapannya untuk eksibisi.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Last Words

I watched the sitcom How I Met Your Mother this morning. It was an episode where Marshall Eriksen, during the sermon, was having some difficulties in remembering his father's (good) last words. It's not that his father was not a good person, but it was because, despite of being a good parent, he barely ended his sentences with good words. He most likely had something sarcastic or cynical to say about other people even if it was true.
Marshall's problem makes his friends think about what their father said the last time they met them. And no matter how rude or hurting what their fathers said, at the end, everyone decides to patch it up by making calls to them. That includes Barney who has never wanted to meet his.

Then I tried to remember what my dad's last words before he passed away. He definitely was not like Marshall's father in finishing conversations. He was instead, one of the most polite person I've know in live. He would have rather stay quiet when he didn't have anything good to say. In fact, most of his words reflected how smart and wise he was. Even though I didn't spend as much time with him as I hoped, he has taught me a lot through his words of wisdom. That's probably why I'm having the same problem with Marshall's since I remember too many of his kind words that I forget which was his last. It's easy for me to remember my mom's last words since I spent quality time by her side during her suffering moment, a couple of hours before her early departure. But my last conversation with my dad took a couple of days before he left for good. And that was on of those days when I tried to catch up with the lost good times I should've had with him during my college years.

Nevertheless, it doesn't seem to matter now what his last words were since I'm pretty sure they were something kind. Whatever they were, they have made me a better person overall. All I need to remember is how he taught me to survive life as he may have expected me to.

Now before it's too late, you should talk to your parents more often in ways that they would say things that benefit you. Should you expect them to be kind words, then you should work it out so you can earn them.